Hello, Hadley

We had another visit with Hadley, the pup our local Guide Dogs for the Blind puppy raisers is training. Hadley was 10 months in this shot, taken last month.

I first introduced you to Hadley last November here. We have spent time with her over the past half year or so as she’s navigated her training as a potential guide dog, here and here.

Puppies in training for Guide Dogs for the Blind have been sheltering in place during the pandemic, some remaining with their raisers beyond the time when they would normally be recalled for formal training as a guide dog. Guide Dogs is now slowly reestablishing normal operations. If all goes as planned, Hadley may return to Guide Dogs this fall at around 14 months of age.

9 thoughts on “Hello, Hadley”

  1. She looks so calm! Perfect for a guide dog. I have usually had Terriers and I can just imagine where they would lead you as a guide dog and what troubles you would end up in.

  2. Hello,

    I recently found your blog, your title with Sequim grabbed my attention. Hubby and I have been there a few times, it is a beautiful place. Hadley is a beautiful dog, she will be a great guide dog. We used to own a yellow lab and a chocolate lab, they are dearly missed. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

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