Sculptors at work

Sand sculptors are interesting to watch since they work fairly quickly in a medium that works fast and shows fine detail. Sue McGraw, shown here at the Windermere Sand Sculpture Classic contest last Friday, sculpted a piece she entitled “Momma’s Baby.” She placed second with this entry in the “Going to the Zoo” theme. Adding texture to the giraffe necks, her tool of choice here was a table fork.

Third place winner Brent Terry is working here on his entry, “Have an Ice Stay,” complete with a hollowed out igloo that wowed everyone. Cleaning up his work here he used a tool that was slightly more robust than a drinking straw.

I’d only seen sand sculptures on the Internet before I moved to the Olympic Peninsula. The Windermere Sand Sculpture Classic each year allows a real time, closer look at this amazing art form.

Today is Theme Day with City Daily Photo. If you’d like to see what participating photographers have made of today’s theme, street lamps, click here.

It’s all happening at the zoo

Last weekend was the annual Arts in Action Festival which showcases sand sculptors in the Windermere Sand Sculpture Classic contest. “Do Not Feed the Bears,” above, by Damon Farmer was the contest winner. It’s amazing what warmth and detail he coaxes out of sand.

This year’s theme was “Going to the Zoo.” Friday evening, at the beginning of the festival, is interesting because the sculptors are often still at work on their creations. Check in tomorrow to see more “artist at work” shots.

The lighthouse?

The maps of Fort Flagler State Park showed a little icon of a lighthouse and I was pleased to discover that a beach road would take us fairly close. The New Dungeness Light Station in Sequim, after all, is a 5 mile beach walk each way.

The area around the light station is fenced, but a walk on the beach comes close to it. That’s it, on the larger building to the left. I think the smaller building, to the right, is where it used to be in a larger incarnation. I can’t say it fits that dreamy, somewhat romantic lighthouse image. But I guess it does the job.