The lighthouse?

The maps of Fort Flagler State Park showed a little icon of a lighthouse and I was pleased to discover that a beach road would take us fairly close. The New Dungeness Light Station in Sequim, after all, is a 5 mile beach walk each way.

The area around the light station is fenced, but a walk on the beach comes close to it. That’s it, on the larger building to the left. I think the smaller building, to the right, is where it used to be in a larger incarnation. I can’t say it fits that dreamy, somewhat romantic lighthouse image. But I guess it does the job.

4 thoughts on “The lighthouse?”

  1. It would seem that the most important thing about a lighthouse is that it does its job, you know, about lighting something or other. But it’s confusing to me as it doesn’t look like a lighthouse should look if it was to be a true lighthouse lighting things.

    Glad you didn’t get stuck in the sand on the beach road. That happened to me once with the whole family and a dog in south Texas. But that’s another whole story and my kids still laugh at my dumbness and I don’t think I want to go into it again ’cause you’d no doubt laugh too! 🙂

  2. I prefer the romantic version of a lighthouse – but I bet a boater will be happy with one that does the job. With GPS so prevalent now I have heard that even the smaller light stations are going to be a thing of the past soon. I’m glad that aware citizens are raising money and saving some of the old lighthouses.

  3. Uh, yes. It is going to take some work to find something good to say about this lighthouse. I will leave it to Lowell.

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