The Camperdown elm…again

C elm fall 2

We were minutes away from the Camperdown elm tree in Port Gamble last week as we drove home from Portland. Ever hopeful to see it wreathed in glorious fall colors we raced against sunset to take a look. As you can see, luck wasn’t going our way. It’s an amazing tree but I’m beginning to think that winter is its finest hour. Click here for links to previous shots.

Noisy neighbors

Sea lions 1

We spent a night in Astoria, Oregon last week and arrived to our hotel room after dark. I’d requested a quiet room and the staff accommodated us. The floor seemed deserted, so I was puzzled when I heard a raucous hubbub. TV next door? Nope. The hotel was at the edge of the Columbia River near a small marina. When I opened the window I quickly recognized the sound of sea lions. The barking was incessant. Not enough to keep us awake, thankfully. I simply had no idea just how many were there until we took a walk the next morning.

Sea lions 2

Some of the critters were content to lounge. Others had a lot to say.