

I saw Annie as she walked across a parking lot recently. She was a dog to stop people in their tracks and start a conversation with her person.

Annie 2

Annie is a Bergamasco sheepdog, a rare breed with an interesting history. It has several kinds of hair that grows and weaves together like dreadlocks as the pooch matures. It feels woolly to the touch. The breed historically guarded and herded sheep, originally in Asia, and eventually ended up in the Italian alps. The breed is considered friendly, intelligent, peaceful, and balanced. Annie seemed all of these things. As different as she looks she is one of the cutest dogs I’ve seen in a long time.

Rusting Rooster

Rusting Rooster 1

The Rusting Rooster opened late last year in downtown Sequim. It certainly looks like a fun shop. It features “upcycled, repurposed, vintage, local art, and cool finds.” Can’t argue with that. At least for now it’s only open on Fridays and Saturdays.

Rusting Rooster 2

There has been an assortment of businesses at this location. Since I’ve been here there has been an auto repair shop and auto detailing. And through it all the Texaco and the Chevron express lube signs have remained. At least one of the businesses tried to get the Chevron sign removed. After all, Chevron wasn’t there anymore. But Sequim has a sign code that doesn’t permit a sign to be removed if it’s been in place for some measure of time. At least I think that’s what it is. Truthfully, I don’t understand the code. Bottom line: the sign stays, even if Chevron doesn’t.

Duck hunting


I went to Carrie Blake Park recently to see what kinds of ducks I might find there. A previous visit yielded only mallards. This time I was pleased to find wigeons – lots of them. Most of them were American Wigeons. These are the ones with the greenish heads (males) and brown and grey mottling (females). But there were a few Eurasian Wigeons mingling with the group. You can see a male with the ginger colored head.

According to my bird book, “More Eurasian Wigeons overwinter in Washington than anywhere else in the other lower 48 states.” And apparently they tend to hang out with other Wigeons.

Many ducks

There generally are lots of ducks at Carrie Blake Park this time of year. Wigeons make a sort of whistling sound. The air was full of whistles at the park.