Mono Lake tufa towers


Mono Lake in California has had many fluctuations in size. Drought conditions lower the water level. And for decades in the 20th century the City of Los Angeles diverted fresh water flows into the lake, which steadily reduced its size and lowered its shoreline. Mono’s exposed tufa towers show what happens under the lake’s alkaline waters.


The region of the Mono Lake is a large volcanic basin with three volcanic formations around the Mono waters. And the lake shoreline is peppered with fresh water springs. The springs, which contain calcium, bubble up through the lake’s waters which are carbonate rich. The combination forms whitish limestone deposits that over time become the tufa towers seen around the lake.


Los Angeles water diversions from Mono Lake were so great that the ecosystem of the lake was imperiled. A landmark court case was launched by the Mono Lake Committee and the Audubon Society against Los Angeles Water and Power. Conservationists prevailed to protect water levels and diversions have been reduced. The lake is still below historic levels and California’s years long drought has taken its toll. During windy dry periods alkaline dust storms can significantly degrade air quality.

Mono Lake, CA


One beautiful, otherworldly destination in California is Mono Lake. Our most recent visit presented us with a soft, pastel panorama.

Mono Lake is one of the oldest lakes in North America, its life estimated to be at least 760,000 years. It is fed by nearby Sierra Mountain streams but has no outlet. Streams carry minerals into the lake; evaporation reduces its fresh water content. As a result the lake has a salt concentration twice that of the ocean and no fish can live there.

Mono, however, supports life: trillions of brine shrimp and alkali flies sustain migratory birds that flock here. At various times of the year it is a birder’s paradise with nearly 100 species of birds residing here. Mono Lake is second in size only to Great Salt Lake as a California gull rookery. Anywhere from 44,000 to 65,000 gulls arrive each year to breed at Mono Lake.

Tomorrow I’ll give you a closer look at the tufa formations you see in the waters of this shot.



I don’t usually manage to capture shots of butterflies. But two came to rest near my feet as I stood at Rock Creek in California. I usually like to correctly name things I find but my reference shelf is bereft of butterfly books and I presently lack patience for Google. So, this is the one with blue dots.


This is the orange one with black dots. Both are very pretty.

If you can provide an accurate name, your comment is welcomed.

Heart Lake


In my humble opinion if you’re lucky you’re sometimes blessed with finding beautiful, welcoming places that simply feel good. When you’re there all’s right in the world. This, for me, is one of those places. It’s called Heart Lake.


On a map Heart Lake is shaped roughly like a heart. In all the years I’ve visited I’d never before noticed this vignette. Look above the “D” in the Sequim Daily Photo watermark.


The heart you see here is darker coloring in the granite of the rock, a completely natural phenomenon.

I collect heart shaped rocks. I’m a fan of hearts. This has to be the coolest one I’ve yet seen.

Little Lakes Valley


Here’s one of the views that rewards hikers at the top of Crankcase Grade in the Little Lakes Valley of Rock Creek Canyon in California. It’s about two miles to the mountains in the distance.


The trail is less strenuous, though there is some moderate elevation gain in places.


One of the many appeals of the area is a string of small lakes that the trail skirts. Tomorrow I’ll show you my favorite.