Migration musings

Our summering Canada geese have begun their end of summer overflights. Once or twice a day they head across the sky in one direction or another, accompanied by raucous honking.

The flocks seem to get bigger as autumn approaches. I suspect they are practicing flocking and flying behavior for their southern migration. Then, suddenly, we notice we’re not seeing them anymore.

The swallows are already starting to disappear. And I’m seeing fewer goldfinches. This summer has been around for seemingly years and it’s over in a flash.

7 thoughts on “Migration musings”

  1. Hello,
    Migration time is here, we see some geese year round here. I am looking forward to seeing some migrants in my yard. Great captures of the geese in flight. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  2. I can almost hear these guys from here! During the winter months when there are so many Canadian geese living on the golf course and lake next door to me, they fly right by my windows from time to time honking loudly. I always wondered why the honk so much while flying.

  3. It’s the same here. They’re getting ready to go. We see some quite late in the fall, but those are ones stopping over from points further north.

    Another sign of the end of summer: nights are cooler.

    And yet another: the constellation Orion is up in the night sky. Past four in the morning, mind you, which is no time for a person to be up, but that’s beside the point. šŸ™‚

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