Seattle ghost sign

I took this photo two months ago on a trip to Seattle. I took it out the window of the car as we undertook one of DH’s driving adventures. It started with “If we drive down two blocks here and turn the road will lead us right onto Aurora Avenue and then it will be a straight shot up to Edmonds.”

This was in one of the neighborhoods we explored while we searched for Aurora. It became sort of a magical mystery tour. When we asked for directions from a cop who was directing traffic around a street construction projects he responded, “I don’t know. I’m not from around here.”

Yeah. There were some tense moments. But we were speaking again by the time we eventually turned onto Aurora Avenue.

6 thoughts on “Seattle ghost sign”

  1. Hello,

    Great find with the ghost sign. I did not like driving in Seattle, the highway was busy. We had taken the Bainbridge ferry from my SIL’s place. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  2. That story made me chuckle. It made me think of the time about two years ago that I got lost taking a route in Los Angeles that I thought would be interesting. I don’t get lost often but, when I do I get completely turned around. I asked three different people for directions and found it interesting that so many people didn’t know their way around their own city.

  3. I am hopeless at reading maps so many a tense moment in our car when we are in unfamiliar places.

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