The earth laughs in flowers

Who doesn’t love flowers? The peonies at Carrie Blake Park in Sequim have to be among the most beautiful I’ve seen.

The park has dozens of bushes of peonies. It was my good fortune that they were at a peak of splendor.

I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing so many different kinds before. They all were spectacular.

If you live in or near Sequim it’s well worth a trip to the garden at Carrie Blake. The peonies and iris are heavenly. If you can’t make it soon the next gorgeous displays will include lavender, roses, and, later, dahlias.

Tomorrow I’ll show you some of the iris.

7 thoughts on “The earth laughs in flowers”

  1. Thank you so much for these wonderful photos. My mother loved peonies. She had several in our yard were I grew up. They don’t grow here so I loved seeing these beauties.

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