
When we emerged from our “seclusion” last week and were able to walk again at the Dungeness Recreation Area I noticed that the sky looked different from how it often looks on a clear day. There weren’t any contrails, the long clouds you see above. This photo was taken in March. There are far fewer jets flying these days. Have you noticed this?

7 thoughts on “Missing”

  1. That is so true. My sister lives in northern Arizona and she has certainly noticed it up there where there is more open sky.

  2. I’ve noticed it a lot here. The Toronto airport is usually very busy but you hardly even hear a plane these days.

  3. I haven’t seen a plane for months. There are a lot fewer buses coming through town and when you do see one, only one or two people are on it.

  4. Yes we have noticed fewer aircraft in our skies too, though I noticed a contrail in clear blue sky yesterday.

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