One less mystery

This old farmhouse has intrigued me as long as I’ve lived here. I wondered about its story until a friend recently forwarded to me a newsletter from Sequim Museum and Arts that contained a short article about it. The home was built in the early 20th century and was constructed from a Sears-Roebuck kit. Originally the Knutsen farm, the 66 acre property was purchased for $2 an acre. A child raised on the farm, Agnes Knutsen, was a teacher for nearly 50 years and began her career at Sequim Elementary School.

A new family home was built in 1942 just west of the original farmhouse. Its current owners plan to leave the original farmhouse standing as a tribute to Sequim’s historical farms.

7 thoughts on “One less mystery”

  1. The house still has some beauty to it, I really like the weathered look of it. That’s nice of the current owners to let the farmhouse stand as it is.

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