Tomato bounty, 2018

Every year I plant tomatoes and just when they’re starting to ripen we start to have frost. You’d think I’d learn. I harvest what I can, bring it in, and ripen it in the window. Not that I needed reminding, but DH noted we had a lot of tomatoes we needed to use. I mumbled something about making tomato sauce.

DH said, “Tomato pie!”
Tomato pie?? Though neither of us had heard of it, I found a bunch of recipes online. Since I had a ready made pie crust I decided to give it a try. The result is above. Tomatoes, fresh basil, green onions…topped with a mixture of cheese and mayonnaise. I’m up for the occasional kitchen adventure.

This is the recipe I used. Would I do it again? Probably not this way. I like mayonnaise, in its place. Like on a sandwich or mixed with tuna. Across the top of a pie? Even with cheese, not so much.

6 thoughts on “Tomato bounty, 2018”

  1. Those tomatoes look great and I know they are definitely tasty. At least you gave the recipe it a try. I think I would have made some salsa and then a grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe that would be tonight’s supper. Salsa will have to be from a jar but that’s ok. šŸ™‚

  2. I was with you until you said mayonnaise. Occasionally for their pie of the week I believe Pane d’ Amore does a Tomato Torte (savory).

  3. The tomatoes look delicious Kay, so perfect for caprese salad. The pie looks good though, as you say, minus the mayonnaise šŸ˜‰

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