Master Gardeners demonstration garden

After showing you some nice blossoms from the Sequim Master Gardeners Demonstration Garden last Thursday, I thought I’d give you a look at the garden itself. It’s a beautiful spot to explore. There are masses of dahlias right now. Behind them are raised beds that held summer vegetables.

Paths lead to smaller gardens bathed in sun and shadows. During the summer growing season the Master Gardeners host workshops and weekly clinics.

The garden has beautiful mature trees and various shrubs. Many of the plants are labeled to satisfy inquiring minds. One afternoon when I was there the garden was filled with bird song. It is a delight for eyes and ears.

5 thoughts on “Master Gardeners demonstration garden”

  1. Such a pretty garden Kay, love the first shot, very cottage garden. I’m in the process of planning a country garden look for a spot in my garden.. will show it if successful 😊 Birds singing in a garden makes all the difference 🐦

  2. I would enjoy not only visiting the gardens but would also like to take some of the classes.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful place. The workshops and clinics must be great for the locals to learn new things and expand their existing knowledge.

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