Dollar house update

It will be a year next month since this beautiful old Craftsman house arrived by barge in Sequim. From there it took a torturous journey by truck up a steep hill, around a too-tight corner, and down various roads to its new resting place. This post from last February will take you back and provide a link to my original post starting when the house arrived.

There hasn’t been much construction this summer as you can see in the photo above, taken last Friday. Boards are off the windows. Jim, one of the owners, tells me the next step is to sell their home in Hawaii that’s now on the market. He and his wife are living here in the house. I neglected to ask how they’re getting in and out. I sure hope that ladder on the right isn’t the only access.

5 thoughts on “Dollar house update”

  1. Can’t believe it’s been a year Kay! Looks like they have a way to go yet, looking forward to seeing a door at some point 😀

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