6 thoughts on “Plans for the weekend?”

  1. You know it’s just possible I might see a unicorn this weekend Kay, I’m going to Disney on Ice with my young grand niece and nephew.. I’ll let you know 😀 Happy weekend to you also.

  2. P.s. I just remembered that you asked about the mirror in my tulip shot a while back Kay. Yes it is an Art Deco mirror, I was so lucky to find it and at a good price too! I looove everything Art Deco, incase you didn’t already guess that 😀😀

  3. I’m sorry but I don’t know what this means. If you think you’ve found a unicorn you must be high on some substance, legal or illegal?

    Obviously, we have a problem with certain drugs getting into the hands of the wrong people, but I’m a little pissed at all the anti-opoid nonsense. There’s a lot of good folks who use them not to get high but to survive. Huge numbers cannot find pain relief any other way.

    And, while we’re on the topic of saving the public from themselves, I think we should take away cars from everyone who speeds and every one who drinks, texts, or has sex while driving! We kill 45,000 plus people on our highways every year. 45,000! And a majority of these deaths come from speeding, not drunken driving, although the latter is still a big problem.

    Okay, I’ll quit now. Here endeth the rant.

  4. I love Lowell’s rants! He is unafraid to disclose his opinions, and I appreciate that. Unicorns? I believe in them as I believe in lots of other interesting phenomena!

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