Summer songs

I called a starling a loudmouth last week but truth be told I love all the bird song this time of year. Unlike a lot of good birders, I can’t always find where the song is coming from. This time I did.

I think this guy is a little marsh wren. I trust that I’ll be corrected if anyone knows better.

5 thoughts on “Summer songs”

  1. This time of year the birds are singing about sex.

    Let me tell ya ’bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees
    And the moon up above
    And a thing called “Love”

  2. He/she is a cutie whatever the name and I love to hear the birds sing in the early morning of a summers’ day. Very nice shots, Kay!

  3. I imagine the wee bird is singing a nice song for a nice day. Great capture, I’m really lucky to get a shot that close and sharp. Well done, Kay!

  4. Hi Kay, I’m not sure where the Dillard’s chain is located. But it’s by far my favorite store. And I think you’d like it, too. Lots of cosmetics, tons of women’s shoes, bags, etc. But it is pricey. So, we watch for their special sales. I like men’s Ralph Lauren polo shirts but they start about $80. So, I’ll wait until they have one of their 75% plus 40% off sales. Then I can afford them. Or whatever else they have and everything they sell is top-of-the-line.

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