Life is good

About a month ago we got some very comfortable Adirondack chairs for our deck. Within moments of DH assembling them it started raining. And kept raining. After what seems like an endless winter we’ve finally had a few days when we can go outside to enjoy the deck and our new chairs.

I know I’ve mentioned that I love our view. My long lens has cropped it down, but this is what we see from our deck.

A nice day. A glass of wine or ale. Adirondack chairs. This is what I call a Life is Good moment.

5 thoughts on “Life is good”

  1. Yes! What a view to have from your house! And a gorgeous photo, too. Those snow-capped mountains send little shivers up my spine.

    So sorry to hear about your immigrant friend. I can’t even read the news these days without getting terribly depressed. What monsters we have elected! And it’s so sad to see all these faux Christians who have left any semblance of Jesus’ teachings in order to grab political power! Aargh!

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