Dungeness Recreation Area Master Plan Update 5

The Updated Dungeness Recreation Area Master Plan envisions improvements to a small playground located in one of the current campground loops. It wasn’t discussed at length; I’m not sure what these improvements may be.

The playground does get used. Within moments of taking this shot two more children joined the fun.

Many locals have not been aware of the Master Plan Update. I am focusing my blog on it in hopes of informing more park users of this process. Click here for more information and how to comment.

To my blog followers from out of the area, please bear with me. I’ll be back to my briefer posts this weekend.

3 thoughts on “Dungeness Recreation Area Master Plan Update 5”

  1. That looks like a nice playground the way it is. I’d be interested in knowing what they’ll do to improve it. If it’s like most bureaucracies, they’ll add a bunch of stuff nobody wants and take away the stuff that the kids like! If you have Netflix, check out the TV show from Australia, “Dreamland.” It’s about a “nation building group” that spends all their time planning and going to meetings and nothing, I mean nothing ever gets done. Maybe I’ve mentioned that before; if so, I apologize.

  2. Unless they are going to add to the playground, it does look fine and it’s being used. Interesting they don’t tell you what their plans or ideas are for the play area or have a diagram to share with the people to illustrate the changes.

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