Update on the one dollar house

I first told you about the one dollar house here, in October. I didn’t want to miss too much of its story so I returned to its new, permanent location last Saturday for an fresh look. As far as I could see it’s now sitting squarely on a solid foundation, including a base for its fireplace.

Tyvek now covers some of the previously raw openings and it looks as if the subfloor has been renewed above the foundation. It’s a lovely old house and I want to follow its progress. Stay tuned.

9 thoughts on “Update on the one dollar house”

  1. Looks like it’s settling in nicely after it’s tumultuous journey to get to this spot Kay. I do think it was a fabulous bargain for one dollar, although it would have cost a bit, and still will do, to get it ship shape! Looking forward to seeing its progress.

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