Post boxes

Boxes like these used to be a mainstay at Post Offices. Ornate trim and solid little fittings, very fancy by today’s standards. I hadn’t seen ones like these at Roche Harbor in a long time. They disappeared while I wasn’t looking.

5 thoughts on “Post boxes”

  1. I remember them well. When I was 15, I bought a 1937 Chevy, and got a part-time job at Retail Credit Co. (now Equifax). Part of that job involved picking up the mail at the main post office in downtown Minneapolis, taking it to the office and then sorting it. After that I drove across town to school. I remember walls of these kinds of boxes. Those were the days!

    1. Bill, there are still boxes. They’re just very plain and not as attractive.

  2. Years ago one of the CDP themes was letter boxes, and what fun it was to see the variety. I love those in your photo. Compared with these, letter boxes in apartment buildings look pretty tacky.

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