Willow catkins

I routinely have to remind myself of the differences between pussy willows, cattails, and catkins. These, I believe, are catkins, “a flowering spike of trees such as willow and hazel. Catkins are typically downy, pendulous, composed of flowers of a single sex, and wind-pollinated.” These little downy bits are on a willow. And there’s another sign of spring: notice the leaves unfurling at the tip of the branch.

4 thoughts on “Willow catkins”

  1. I have the same problem. I’m taking part in a thing were we keep track on the different seasons with photos and info and submit that to a scientist who is tracking the different seasons in Sweden.

  2. Well, you’re way ahead of me. All I ever heard about were pussy willows and cattails, which I thought were the same. I don’t think we have either down this way but I could be wrong as I’ve been wrong twice in my life, I think. Well, maybe just once. And I’ve never told a lie. Well, maybe once there, too. Or more. Why are you picking on me this morning? Sheesh! šŸ˜³

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