Art or energy?

These three wind turbines were installed last September at Waterfront Park in Port Angeles, Sequim’s westerly neighboring town. The first time I saw them I thought they were pretty dramatic sculptures. Which, actually, they may well be. Or not. They may also generate power.

There’s some controversy around these units. City officials thought they could generate power for lighting in the park. But they also wanted art…and nobody’s actually sure how much wind power they may harvest. They’re not rotating for now. Port Angeles is involved in “an inspection-related dispute with the manufacturer.”

6 thoughts on “Art or energy?”

  1. Hmmmm. Not the kind I am familiar with. Yet, they have the same “Bird Cuisinart” potential that most wind turbines have.

  2. Curious. Since some people want the energy these turbines can generate…..but don’t want them to block their view of the sea etc., I suppose an alternative selling point is to pitch them as sustainable AND artsy. “Yes, your beautiful view is blocked…but, look, you have art!” I suppose the city couldn’t use solar panels to generate enough energy to light the park…? Curious situation with the inspection. I’m sure no one is happy about any of it right now.

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