Theme day: Library

Library lights

Welcome to the Sequim Library. I thought I’d start out with a view inside. Yes, there are plenty of books. But I really like the ceiling and light fixtures.

Library door

Our library is a welcoming place.

Library front

It’s also a busy community resource. I counted no fewer that eight people — including a family group of three generations — as I quickly shot these pictures.

To see other City Daily Photo libraries from around the world, click here.

10 thoughts on “Theme day: Library”

  1. I love those light fixtures too. The library resembles a nice looking private residence. It’s a beautiful looking building.

  2. Hi Kay, I forgot to answer your question. Right now we are under cloud cover but no rain. We got a bit of rain yesterday. I think the main force is coming in tonight but we’re far enough inland and far enough south of where it is going that we should be OK. In this part of Florida our main concern is tornadoes. Thanks for asking!

  3. It looks like the kind of small community library I grew up with and where I later worked. The bicycles would indicate it attracts the children enough to bring them on their own. I remember walking to my library almost every day when I was a child. Love the light fixtres and the flowers.

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