

After a couple of days of blustery weather the clouds cleared enough on Sunday that we were able to see that a dusting of snow had crept down to lower elevations. It’s probably down around 2,000 feet in this shot of Blue Mountain; it typically stays up higher. This shot is from yesterday. We have more rain forecast through much of the week and temperatures are staying on the chilly side.

7 thoughts on “Snowline”

  1. I love this shot…it looks like it was taken in the 20s or 30s. And thanks for the info about rain where you are. I’ve always thought the whole PNW was pretty much the same. So you learned me something!

  2. We could see the snow on our foothills too – and we’ve had a couple days of heavy frost. They are saying a bit of snow on thanksgiving – but I’m not believing it.

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