A view without a room

Ruby Beach 1

There is a whole style of travel adventure I’ve never indulged in: winter storm watching. A number of coastal resorts offer packages where guests can cozy up in a hotel room faced toward ocean waters and watch the beach (and, presumably, their window) take a pounding. I’m sure it provides a lot of drama, particularly for people who don’t often have view of big water. Getting caught in the rain on a beach is about as close as I’ve come.

Ruby Beach 2

These are views of Ruby Beach, located on the northwest coast of Washington. If you spend any time on the Olympic Peninsula you’ll know that this is a classic location for photographers. It lends itself to gorgeous, dramatic shots that find their way onto greeting cards, calendars, and photographic prints. I took these shots some time ago with a camera that has since bitten the dust. You could watch winter storms here but warm and cozy would not be part of the experience.

8 thoughts on “A view without a room”

  1. Great shots!!! We once spent a stormy weekend in Brookings, OR – right on the beach – the foam from the waves blew into our room until we had to shut the door. It was amazing to walk on the beach and feel the force of the storm. The Coast Guard was practicing surf rescue and it was very exciting to watch.

  2. Beautiful photographs, Kay, and beautiful place. A bit like the surface of the moon. Or a scene from a Hobbit movie.

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