5 thoughts on “Black Ball Ferry”

  1. Down in Texas where I used to live we’d take a ferry from Aransas Pass to the coastal area near Corpus Christi. The ferry was an old, wooden, rickety thing and I always wondered if we’d sink into the sea driving on the loading ramp. But we never did. Your ferry seems to be far superior and I’d much rather ride on that, even if it wasn’t my birthday. 🙂

  2. It is looking kind of bleak in your photo. Must have been a cold and overcast day.

    I agree with your comment yesterday about flag displays. The worst are the ones who display old and tattered flags. I can’t criticize the ones I showed yesterday . . . they were all is good shape and it was daytime. I don’t know if they pull them in in the evening or leave them outside but lighted.

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