5 thoughts on “Art? Animosity?”

  1. This is too funny. Or stupid. I’m not sure which. The Tax Assessor simply does his job of collecting taxes…or maybe he/she does actually determine the tax rates. But he/she can’t add new taxes on a whim.

    A lot of folks are anti-tax these days forgetting what their taxes pay for. I guess they don’t care much for police and fire protection, roads, bridges, safe food, qualified doctors, schools, air safety, etc., etc.

    So glad to see you’re back in business. I’ve been checking in regularly but missed a couple of days and “voila!” there you are. Hope that you are doing well!

  2. Right on! Property taxes are unfair period!

    Here in NH (which has awful PTs) people who retire are often forced to sell their homes and leave the state. Happens all the time.

    Sure, we have to pay for public services (and graft, corruption, etc) but there are more fair ways to do it. Sales, income taxes, use taxes – all better than feeding the “pig” Oink.

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