Which is my best side?

Here’s my left side. This is the side on the dollar bill. Noble? Photogenic? What do you think? Is this my better side?

Here’s the right. I’m thinking maybe I should go with this side next time they pose me for a bill. And I’m thinking of something bigger than a dollar to make it worth my time. What do you think?

8 thoughts on “Which is my best side?”

  1. I try not to take sides. This thing looks good from any side, however!

    Just taking a break. All is well. Sometimes I get tired and need to do other things for a time.

  2. Eagles are SO vain. Two days ago I went to a busy grocery store and saw an eagle in a tree in a parking lot. People from all around were getting out of their cars to look at him, and he just stayed there and looked at us. I always thought that eagles are skittish birds that want to avoid people. But, this eagle (and the one that stays on the second hole of the golf course I play all the time) seem to be completely acclimated to humans.

  3. Aaaah…gorgeous. You know how I love bald eagles! They’re simply beautiful, no matter the profile. That reminds me…you asked when lens I used to shoot Ozzie & Harriet and I forgot to tell you. I used a 75-300mm film lens on a digital camera body. Through the digital conversion, it ends up being more like a 125-400mm or so.

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