The blue hole

Local lore speaks of the “blue hole” in the skies over Sequim. Pilots know it and most people around here have seen one. The region can be covered with nasty weather yet there will frequently be a blue hole somewhere over Sequim.

Afternoon showers stopped yesterday shortly before sunset and the skies just kept getting prettier. Then, like a brief autumn gift, there was the blue hole.

And, speaking of gifts, the City Daily Photo is back online after a long and unwelcome hiatus. Hooray and welcome back, CDP!

5 thoughts on “The blue hole”

  1. This is quite dramatic. We’ll have holes in the clouds occasionally, too, but I don’t think I’ve such a blue sky through them. Re your comment about the heron and koi: We took our great-grandson to the pond at Sholom park a few months ago and there is one of those old candy machines filled with little fish nuggets (look like rabbit poop). Pop in a quarter, turn the handle, and a handful of nuggets will pop out.

    Trouble is the koi don’t like ’em. So our great-grandson was disappointed. Then along came another family with a bunch of bread. Koi love bread. So they gave some bread
    to the kid and he was happy ’cause the koi surfaced with great color and splashing. The heron wasn’t there that day. 🙂

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