Spooky trees


One of our locals, Patricia, commented on these trees a while back so I decided to take a look at them. They’re off Jamestown Road, which is where the early S’Klallam peoples bought back their original lands.  There’s a line of these trees, all dead and standing.

Patricia wondered what kind of trees they were — someone she knows speculated that they are Garry Oaks. And she wondered what might have killed them.

The trees are all beyond a fence so there’s no getting up close and personal. I’ve seen others with similar form as I’ve driven in this region but not had an opportunity to stop and study.

I know I haven’t provided much to go on here, but is anyone else willing to venture a guess? Are there any locals care to weigh in?

3 thoughts on “Spooky trees”

  1. Do not know the name of the trees, but note the eagle nest. Have watched the raising of the birds throughout the years. Probably can not cut the trees down because of the eagles.

  2. Thank you Kay for going to the trouble of taking and posting these photos. I hope someone can enlighten us with the information? They look so old and they are so prominent…they must have really been something with all their foliage.

  3. I am horrible at identifying plants and trees, so I’m no help there. But they are pretty interesting to look at. There is a side road on that road that says no trespassing and it drives me nuts because I want to see what is down there, but I respect it.

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