The esplanade, 2 of 2

Yesterday I showed you a view of the new esplanade in Port Angeles. This is one of the benches now installed along the street level above the esplanade. I like clean, contemporary design and like the look of these new benches. (The day’s rain discouraged me from trying it on for comfort.)

The benches face out toward the Coast Guard station on Ediz Hook, and, beyond that, Victoria and Vancouver Island, B.C. Some people have pointed out that the enclosures around the benches block the view. I think wind protection was part of the design consideration though I’m not really sure what drove the decisions.

The esplanade, 1 of 2

Port Angeles, Sequim’s western next door neighbor, recently completed a new esplanade at its downtown waterfront. This is the area where the Black Ball Ferry comes and goes from Victoria, B.C. and is a gateway for ferry visitors as well as occasional cruise ship passengers.

This previously was a pretty ordinary sidewalk along a street that edges the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The upgrade definitely kicks it up a notch. Now, if we could only get some blue skies again to brighten it up a bit. . .

Laundry day

My clothes washer is scheduled for an annual maintenance checkup today. That brought to mind these units that I saw at the county fair in August. This Maytag has a belt to a motor out of view and certainly had a bell, if not a whistle. I’m sure it was considered a very fancy model in its day.

This looks like the more basic model of its day, powered by elbow grease and persistence. Palpable history like this reminds me just how good I have it, and what a wimp I am compared to just about anyone who lived 75 to 100 years ago.

Theme Day: Details

Today is Theme Day for City Daily Photo bloggers and today’s theme is “details.”

Looking for ripe apples on our little tree I discovered this apple had become a hub for wasps looking for a quick meal.

It was fascinating to watch how many wasps could fit into the cavity inside the apple. Then I noticed that wasps were coming and going from apples all over the tree. Did they take advantage of openings pecked by birds, or did they manage to work their way through apple skins on their own? Once I noticed all the activity I was struck with how the tree was filled with the sound of wasps carving their way through apples.

One of my favorite quotes, from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, is “God is in the details.”

Click here to see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today’s theme.

Innocent clouds

We spent the last day of summer at Ocean City State Park. The sky became a welcoming blue with gorgeous banks of clouds in the distance.

Not long after dark the clouds decided they’d played nice long enough. It began to rain. With few breaks it rained all night. And all the next day. We decided to pass on exploring our third intended five star campground and head for the warm, dry roof at home. And our very own hot shower. Compared to tent camping our little new-to-us trailer is a four star resort. Compared to our trailer our home is nirvana. And there’s nothing like a few days away to make the comparison ever more vivid.

Between land and ocean

Between the campground and the ocean at Ocean City State Park the trail follows the edge of a beautiful marsh. I can’t remember if marsh plants go through seasonal color changes but this sure looks like an autumn scene to me. This was taken on the last day of summer.

Here’s a backward glance at the Pacific Ocean late in the afternoon.

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Weekly Top Shot #102