Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center

Here’s SARC, Sequim’s recreation center. When I first researched Sequim as a place to relocate, this was one of the first amenities that caught my eye. A large lap pool, fitness center, and classes all sounded very good, and still do. But I haven’t joined, at least not yet. It’s a 15-minute drive, which isn’t bad. But I’m steps from miles of walking trails. And I know, given a choice, I’ll always take the path of least resistance.

Our very own Little Free Library

The Little Free Library “movement” has come to Sequim. Thanks to 12 year-old Tane Ridle, a miniature free library has opened for business. Tane built the tiny building above, a red barn, with his uncle’s help. His aunt stepped in to assist with stocking it. A Little Free Library allows its “patrons” – anyone who wants to – to take books for free. Returning the book is optional, as is contributing books to the shelves.

If you’re local and want to check it out, stop by 702 Kitchen-Dick Road. It’s at the top of a short driveway and there’s plenty of room to turn a car around when you’re done browsing. Click here to find other Little Free Libraries. Thank you, Tane!

Bye, bye lights

I imagine there are lots of places these days where there’ll have to be a whole lot of thawing before ladders come out and the holiday lights get taken down. It was chilly the day I took this shot, but I’m well aware that a sweatshirt hoodie and lack of snow may look positively balmy about now. Stay warm you in the subzero zone!

2013 Encore: Three travel favorites

I’m wrapping up my 2013 encores with three shots I took away from home. The photo above is from a marsh at Ocean City State Park in southern Washington last September.

This shot was also taken at Ocean City State Park. The Washington State Parks website picked up my two Ocean City posts from last September and reposted them on their blog in November.

And, finally, “Guess where I went to celebrate my birthday.”