Heavy lifting


Phew! Here we are, happily nestled into a new server with a new look. Welcome! I hope you like it. Click on “Reply,” above if you’d like to comment.

I mentioned Denton in my last post. Denton is Lavender Lady’s (Sequim Daily Photo’s original blogger) brother, the behind-the-scenes tech support who did all the heavy lifting to transfer Sequim Daily Photo into this new environment. I’m not adverse to technology, but beyond learning the software de jour, most of the background technology in my experience has remained the purview of IT people. In this transition, in addition to doing most of the work for Sequim Daily Photo’s transfer, Denton led me step-by-step through the nuts and bolts. He knows it. You may, too. I didn’t. But with Denton’s help it’s less foreign now. And for all his work, patience, and expertise I’m deeply grateful. Thank you, Denton. I can’t thank you enough!

Under construction

This is a big day for Sequim Daily Photo. Today we push the button to switch this blog to a new server. Until the process is complete there won’t be any new posting. This may be from 24 to 72 hours. There will be a somewhat different look for SDP when it premiers at the new server, with a responsive, user-friendly format. And in the background, my electronic angel and blog salvation, Denton, will put the finishing touches on transferring nearly eight years of blog history. I don’t exaggerate when I say this never could have happened without Denton, a volunteer of the finest and kindest caliber. Now…I keep my fingers crossed until we meet again. TTFN.

March balloon ride

Tuesday morning was flawless. This balloon went breathtakingly high over the Dungeness Valley. Then, for a little while, it was low enough to catch with the Olympic Mountains as a backdrop. And it was gone. Someone had a spectacular ride.

Check out Morning Star Balloon Company if you are interested in details about taking a ride. And click on “comments” above to hear from Larry, the lucky rider.

Kite Girl Plaza

There are a three nice bronze sculptures in Kite Girl Plaza on West Washington Street. The first, above, is – surprise! – “Kite Girl” by Gary Price.

Nearby is “Benji’s Leap” by Jay Wright.

The third sculpture in the plaza is “Catch Me If You Can” by R. Sandifer.

I wasn’t able to find any details about how these sculptures came to grace the plaza. But I did find a very good alternative shot of “Catch Me If You Can” posted in 2009 by none other than the Sequim Daily Photo’s “Lavender Lady,” SDP’s original blogger. It’s quite a nice shot and unfortunately the trees that fill the shot with such vibrant color are no longer there.