Deer portraits

Deer 1

It seems like this has been a good year for deer. We’ve seen lots of them in the Dungeness Recreation Area, grazing in the lowlands. And, of course, they’ve been happy to sample nearly everything in our yard.

Deer 2

We’ve even noticed youngsters with their “bambi” spots in late summer, rather late in the season for deer that young. And most of the deer don’t seem very concerned about human approach. They’re much more interested in grabbing dinner than worrying about people – and a dog! – getting surprisingly close.

Theme Day: Movement


The challenge for City Daily Photo’s participants today is “movement,” which immediately led me to a shot from a local bicycle race, the “Tour de Dung,” last spring. Click here to see other interpretations of today’s theme.

Wondering about the name “Tour de Dung?” It’s not about manure. The race takes place in the Dungeness region of Sequim, a beautiful spot for bicycling at any speed.

La Vie en rose

September rose

Wild nootka roses are usually in full bloom by late June or early July. If they find a good spot they can grow like weeds. But by August they’re mostly gone and the hips that follow the blooms begin to swell and ripen. By September the bushes are covered in bright red rose hips. This year we’ve noticed late blooms. One here, one there. Not a lot of them, but still…enough for a few last satisfying sniffs of one of my favorite summer scents. The beautiful weather we had over the last couple of months must have something to do with it.

Searching for the perfect chile rellano


I’ve been searching for a good chile rellano since I left California. I know, I know. The further north you get from the Mexican border the lower the odds of finding one. But I still try. Last week we went to Jose’s Famous Salsa on East Washington. All in all the food was good. Compared to most I’ve had the rellano wasn’t disappointing. In fact, it was pretty good and the salsa’s really good. I think I’ll return and try their tacos and tamales. But I may have to head south for what I’m craving…or break down and get cooking.