
Construction 1

The economy was in deep doldrums when we moved to Sequim. Though it didn’t stop completely, new construction seemed to slow to a crawl. Or maybe slower.

Construction 2

As summer drew to a close this year it seemed like there were new buildings going up all over the place. Big, small. You name it.

Construction 3

Unlike California, builders work pretty much year round here. They make hay whether the sun shines or not.

Tiny addition to the literary scene

Tiny library

There’s a new branch of the North Olympic Library System (“NOLS”) on West Washington Street. There’s not much to it but it’s a fine addition to Sequim. If you can’t read the sign on the side of the, uhm, “building,” NOLS says about its books to enjoy them, share them, return them, or keep them forever.

Tiny library 1

Imagine that! No fines for late books! This tiny branch is next door to Doodlebugs.