Cloud drama

Fort Flagler clouds

We camped at Fort Flagler State Park last week. These are the clouds that greeted us when we arrived. But luck was with us. It didn’t rain until our last night there.

Fort Flagler is great place to explore. It is one of a triad of Puget Sound forts built in the late 1800s to early 1900s to protect the region. In addition to interesting gun emplacements and buildings that were part of the fort the campgrounds are surrounded by beaches. There are hiking trails through forested areas and along high bluffs overlooking Puget Sound. All this is at Marrowstone Island, an hour’s drive from Sequim.

Cedar waxwings

Cedar waxwing 2

Cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) have to be one of the prettier birds in this area. They have a soft, tawny brown color with black masks around their eyes.

Cedar waxwings

Right now these birds are a favorite because during this part of summer they feed on insects. A large group of them perch in this tree and constantly hunt mosquitoes in a marshy area of Dungeness Recreation Area. These shots were taken on two different evenings as we watched them hunt.

They’ve had plenty of mosquitoes to eat this year. Go, waxwings!

For sale

Model A 1

We spied this classic for sale a couple of weeks ago. It looks like just the ticket for a ride on a sunny day.

Model A 2

DH thinks it’s a Model A. I thought the “eyelashes” over the headlights were a nice touch. Those poles hold the windshield upright.

And the dog? Not real. It wasn’t the least bit interested in a cookie.

June eagle

Eagle and snag

Another test drive for my little Lumix camera. It zooms pretty well but the crops aren’t all I’d hope for.

Ok. I’ll admit it. I’ve only printed up about half the Lumix manual and studying it on a screen just doesn’t do it for me. And you’d think I’d have learned this lesson from decades of college test stress dreams: you can’t learn a darned thing if you don’t attempt to study.