Rusting Rooster

Rusting Rooster 1

The Rusting Rooster opened late last year in downtown Sequim. It certainly looks like a fun shop. It features “upcycled, repurposed, vintage, local art, and cool finds.” Can’t argue with that. At least for now it’s only open on Fridays and Saturdays.

Rusting Rooster 2

There has been an assortment of businesses at this location. Since I’ve been here there has been an auto repair shop and auto detailing. And through it all the Texaco and the Chevron express lube signs have remained. At least one of the businesses tried to get the Chevron sign removed. After all, Chevron wasn’t there anymore. But Sequim has a sign code that doesn’t permit a sign to be removed if it’s been in place for some measure of time. At least I think that’s what it is. Truthfully, I don’t understand the code. Bottom line: the sign stays, even if Chevron doesn’t.

With a little help from Photoshop

Tree silhouette BW

It was a flat, grey day but I liked the branches of this tree so into Photoshop it went. Here’s how it emerged.

Tree silhouette color

Not content to leave well enough alone, I played with the colors, too. It’s not to my liking but it helped me get through a brief tantrum: “NOOOO!!!! I don’t want grey days again!” That’s the sort of thing that helps when there’s no chocolate in the house.

Tiny addition to the literary scene

Tiny library

There’s a new branch of the North Olympic Library System (“NOLS”) on West Washington Street. There’s not much to it but it’s a fine addition to Sequim. If you can’t read the sign on the side of the, uhm, “building,” NOLS says about its books to enjoy them, share them, return them, or keep them forever.

Tiny library 1

Imagine that! No fines for late books! This tiny branch is next door to Doodlebugs.

Super soup

Tom kha gai

I think soup is underrated, especially to start out dinner on a grey autumn evening. I try to make this soup, tom kha gai, but haven’t nailed it. It’s a chicken coconut soup that has a few ingredients I generally don’t have in my pantry: galangal root, kaffir lime leaves, and lemongrass. Oh, drat! We’ll just have to keep going out to dinner.


Here’s where I like to go for a good bowl of tom kha gai.