Elusive Mount Baker

Mount Baker, in the Cascade Range east of us, is a tantalizing part of our viewscape. It’s often hidden by clouds and it’s distant enough that a clear view is a treat. But the views are never quite ideal and a really good picture seems just beyond reach with my lens range. That doesn’t seem to keep me from trying every time I have a chance. I should just take a road trip to the other side of Puget Sound and get up close and personal.

Where’s the campfire?

It’s time to hay the fields in these parts. Sometimes it’s bundled in standard, familiar rectangles. Sometimes it’s rolled up in giant rounds with mesh on the outside. And sometimes it’s wrapped in white plastic like this. To my eye it looks like some huge aliens have come in the night and left a batch of giant marshmallows. You know, like they were interrupted before they could pull out graham crackers and Hershey bars to make ‘smores.