Kitchen window quail

Kitchen window quail

Our house is blessed with a view of the Olympic Mountains that rarely fails to lift my heart. But starting in April we also have an ever changing array of birds that parade or flit by our windows. Nothing very exotic, mind you, though the occasional bald eagle is always exciting. The other day this quail decided to hang out near our kitchen window. These days they often peck around in small groups in the early evenings, calling to each other and taking turns standing watch.



Dorjun caught my eye during a visit to Port Townsend this year and became even more interesting as I learned her history. She was built in 1905 for the U.S. Lifesaving Service, the precursor to today’s Coast Guard, until she was retired in 1937. After that this 26 foot wooden boat was documented by National Geographic as she sailed through the Straits of Magellan at the tip of South America.

In 1946, like many historic working boats, she sank and was abandoned for several years on a mudbank. She was eventually rescued and has since been restored a couple of times. As you can see, she looks pretty good for a lady of 109 years.