Easier said than done

Axe throw 1

Here’s a twist on the classic dart game: it’s the logger’s version. Grab a big axe, stand about 15 feet away from the target, cock back the axe, and give it a mighty throw.

Axe throw 2

This fellow made it look almost easy, but then he was the winner. Two women were part of the competition but neither had the broad shoulder leverage to pitch with the strength and accuracy this competition demands. I think it’s a Paul Bunyan kind of thing.

The logging show

Logging Ma n Pa2

This weekend is the Clallam County Fair and yesterday was the logging show. For the uninitiated (me, for instance), the show is focused on competitive skills: we watched sawing and axe throwing. What you see here is “Jack and Jill” two person manual sawing. Simply said, the couple is timed as they saw through a log as fast as possible. It’s like an instant snapshot metaphor of marriage in action.

Logging Ma n Pa

Logging is part of the local history and heritage here. I’ll show you more of the action tomorrow.

City Hall update

Civic Ctr Aug 14

So far there’s not much drama as the new Sequim City Hall begins to take shape. But compared to my first post last June, here, you can see progress. I was lucky to find an open gate that allowed me to avoid those nasty “through the cyclone fence” construction shots.

Civic Ctr 2 Aug 14

The foundation’s been poured and the blue coloring you see is insulation. The garden of upright piping, seen better in the top shot, is stubbing for plumbing and electrical.



Throughout summer thistles grow, bloom, and then go to seed. They have tough, toothed leaves with sharp spines and thick, fibrous roots. I can’t find anything to recommend them.

Thistles 3

This time of the year thistles go to seed. They produce downy puffs, prodigious amounts of them, that get airborne in our afternoon breezes. I looked out a window the other day to see great drifts of thistle puffs blowing past like a peculiar summer snowstorm.

Thistles 2

The fluffy seeds get caught on anything in their path. Then with fall rains they wash into the soil and continue the cycle.

Utility art

Corner art

I read in the paper a couple of months ago that the City of Sequim had commissioned art to cover some of the utility vaults around town. The art here is from the Jamestown S’Klallam tribe, more than likely Dale Faulstich, graphic artist and carver of totem poles. (I can’t find the article I clipped about this. How this could happen on my desk?)

As I aimed at the vault my husband pointed out the vintage “Henry J” driving past. Not familiar with this old timer? Click here for more details.

Corner art 2

This spot is in the heart of downtown. The Sequim Open Air Market is held here on Saturdays. In the distance is Pan d’Amore, our go-to for artisan breads, and to the right is Over the Fence, a source for home and garden decor.