

I’ve always called them “birders.” But there really should be a more interesting term for a group of bird watchers. Yesterday I heard the term “featherheads” for the first time. I kind of like that one.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?


Four ducks

I took a number of shots of these ducks as they swam in a shallow pond. It wasn’t until they took off, however, that they looked interesting to me.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?

Winter bird


I’m fairly certain this is a song sparrow. They’re year round residents here and are common. They like marshy areas such as where I found this one. I’m always impressed that little critters like this can survive outdoors when I get chilled even wearing layers.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?

Going backwards

Barn n Clouds

Sometimes I drive myself crazy. And I do it especially — and literally — driving. I see a great shot, then try to figure out if I should stop and take a picture. Then I look for a place to stop. And now, since I’m some distance from the shot, I have to figure out where to turn around. Occasionally the shot is still there by the time I get back.

Monday the sky was full of cloudy drama. The light was great. Then I spent a long time. Driving. Myself. Crazy.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?

Running start

This Old Tree

This is a willow tree I see often. It’s at an entrance to the Dungeness Recreation Area. I’ve resolved repeatedly to photograph it in various seasons. Let’s see if I get a running start with this shot.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?


Rewired 2

We got a new internet service provider recently. This was a big deal for us. There aren’t a lot of choices where we live. And once the change is made there’s a web of relationships maintained by email addresses that need to be altered. Good luck if you haven’t kept track of passwords that allow you to notify accounts.

A friend of ours was going to move recently, then changed her mind. One reason? The hassle of changing her internet service and waiting a couple of weeks to get the new hook-up. Some of us are pretty dependent on the internet. Blogging…Skype…email…shopping…smart phone wifi…travel…Netflix…research…social media…

We had to make the change. I’ll try to be diplomatic about it. Our previous internet service provider powered our service with a hamster running on a small wheel. The hamster was slowly dying. We had to put it out of its misery. Above is the new radio that powers our connection to the wider world. It’s a beautiful thing.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?