Not much left

Three crabs after

This is about all that’s left of the 3 Crabs Restaurant, once a local institution. It was one of those seafood joints that earned a place on the map, especially for tourists coming to the Olympic Peninsula. It was open for nearly 60 years until it was sold in 2012 to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for wetlands restoration. The 3 Crabs sat on a very nice 52-acre parcel. It is at the shoreline of Dungeness Bay, just beyond the line of shrubbery in the distance.

A sidewalk into the restaurant still slices across the land, going nowhere. And there is a line of risers, probably for the septic system. These and the foundation shown here will eventually be excavated and removed.

Three crabs before

This is what it looked like shortly after it shuttered for good. The sign is gone from the front of the building. I suspect it was sold to a souvenir hunter with fond memories of the place.



Red-winged blackbirds hang out here year round. This fellow repeatedly chortled his song as I took his picture and each time he did he displayed his wings. We thought he was showing off for nearby ladies but my Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior calls it a territorial display. Sort of a birdie version of “MySpace.”

I love that shoulder patch. It’s a great flash of color in winter.


Ruin 3

I posted a photo of this house a couple of years ago. It’s a sad sight but I’m drawn to how visual it is in its decay. In Washington it seems that all you need to do is dampen something and it’s soon hosting the growth of all manner of things. And the same moisture seems to hasten disintegration.

Ruin 3a

I thought it would be interesting to see this place in black and white. Once I converted it I wasn’t so sure. Black and white or color?

Ruin 3

Then there was the back yard. Sad, too, but fascinating in an odd way. It was as if a busy life was halted in mid-stride and the remnants left where they fell.

Ruin boat 1

So here’s another one. Black and white or color?

Artistic fences

Dungeness fence 1

DH’s eagle eye strikes again. He spied these fences as we were driving in the old Dungeness region over the weekend. Pretty, aren’t they?

Dungeness fence 2

It looks as if the patterns are made from woven grasses. But, well, I didn’t get close enough to take a good look. I’d left the car idling in the middle of the street as I hopped out to take these shots. Not my favorite way to park.