Paperclip Nirvana

Olympic Stationers

Maybe it’s because of where I’ve lived but there seems to be a shortage of good old fashioned stationery stores these days. Not big box megastores. You know, the kind where you can buy a single roll of scotch tape or mailing envelope and a good quality mechanical pencil. Olympic Stationers in Port Angeles is such a place.

Olympic Stationers 2

It’s a tossup for me which I love more: a good stationery store or a good hardware store. I can usually look at things in a stationery store and figure out how to use them. That’s not always the case in hardware stores. I’ve always found what I’ve needed at Olympic Stationers. And because they stock so much, including home decor and such, I usually find plenty of other temptations, too.

Puget Sound Cooperative Colony

Ennis Creek mural 3

This is the second of two Ennis Creek murals painted by Corey Ench on the building that houses the Feiro Marine Life Center in Port Angeles. This one, set in 1889, portrays a group of early Port Angeles settlers, a utopian group called the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony. Hoping to improve their world, its founders were responsible for many Port Angeles firsts. They built the first Port Angeles opera house, many of the first local Christian churches and the first schoolhouse. The steam shipyard and lumber mill depicted in this mural were also the work of the Cooperative.

Ennis Creek mural 4

Although the Cooperative disbanded after ten years many of its members remained in Port Angeles and contributed to its development.

Ennis Creek mural 5

Both murals are nicely done. Here is a closer look at some of the detail work. The murals were completed in 1997.

The S’Klallam of Ennis Creek

Ennis Creek mural 1

There are two “Ennis Creek” murals outside the Feiro Marine Life Center in Port Angeles that portray scenes of local history. Created by Corey Ench, the first mural portrays the Native American history of the Ennis Creek area. The scene is of a S’Klallam village in 1750, an era “before contact” with white men. The traditional canoes shown here are an historic design still used today. Each carved from a single cedar log, the boats are both seaworthy and beautiful.

Ennis Creek mural 2

Because of the mural’s location it was impossible to back up far enough to get it into one frame. I know it can be stitched together in Photoshop but, regrettably, I don’t have the time and climbing gear to tackle that learning curve right now. I also haven’t cropped these shots. Above the diagonal of the roof line I was taken with how well the mural’s sky color caught the color of the day I was there.