Where there’s smoke


On July 21st we had a very dramatic evening storm. Thunder and lightning. And the lightning wasn’t just short, sharp bolts. This stuff shot horizontally across the sky or came down vertically in long zig zags and lasted for hours. So it was no surprise to learn within a few days that the lightning had sparked several small fires in Olympic National Park. Crews have been monitoring them and since they’re in wilderness areas response has been fairly low key. We’ve occasionally seen smoke from one of the fires.

On Wednesday I noticed a plume of smoke that diminished in the evening. Yesterday it was hot — in the 90s, rare here — and the plume grew, fast. Then, by sunset, it was gone.

Our forest isn’t a tinderbox like most of California. But there’s plenty of fuel. And we’ve seen enough forest fires that smoke is always worrisome.

Honor stand

Honor stand

This is something you don’t see in metropolitan areas: an honor stand. It’s a simple concept. If the farmer’s not there to take your money, you leave it in the box.

Sofie greens

A friend recommended this spot to me. In addition to greens there were potatoes, sweet onions, turnips, beets, and strawberries. I picked up some garlic to tide me over until mine is harvested and ready.

Sofie Farm Stand

Sofie Farms is on Evans Road. It’s a popular spot. There were lots of customers while I was there.

Flowers galore


There’s an eye catching display of flowers on Towne Road that I look forward to seeing this time of year.

Flower row

They are all annuals so there’s nothing but bare soil in winter. But by July and August there’s a long row of blooms, enough to bring a smile to the face of any flower lover.


I caught a glance of the talented gardener as I headed back to my car. There’s quite a garden behind the wall of flowers.