People and graveyards


It’s interesting how graves, in a way, reflect people. This one, for instance. So small and modest a walker might stumble over it. Initials. Nothing else.


This one makes more of a statement, from a time when monuments were also artistry. I think it may have originally had a finial on its top.


Then there are the souls who need boundaries, in death probably as in life.

Three eagle day


Two eagles flew overhead as I walked earlier on the day that I spied this fellow. Eagles fly fast. This one stayed in place. He gets the fame and glory.

Note for those interested in night skies: Tonight is a supermoon. This full moon is 14% closer and will appear 30% brighter than a typical full moon. It’s the closest the moon has been in 68 years and will be the biggest and brightest we’ll see until 2034.