Hold on lil Juvie…

This juvenile bald eagle landed at the top of a younger tree out my window in the middle of a wind storm. You cant tell from this but it was swinging and swaying on a 4 ft arc. You can just see his yellow talons clinching the branch for dear life. I had to take this thru the window–I wasn’t going out there–pine cones were flying in like morters!

Breakfast Buffet–Gull style

The seagulls come to the beach below our house everyday as the tide goes out and gather shellfish-especially clams. Then the carry them high in the air and let them drop to break them open. Then they try to fly down before any of their “friends” swoop over to get the opened prize!

Biting off more than you can chew–ALMOST

This gull on my dock had a sea star stuffed halfway down its’ throat. He was working on it for a good 40 minutes when it finally managed to get it all down–whole! I wasn’t sure it would survive this event. But about a half hour later it flew off.