Gnome village

Our overhanging evergreen trees sometimes nestle surprising sights such as this whimsical little gnome village.

It was well shaded underneath the tree boughs but we found some little vignettes.

There was a lot of miniature activity.

This guy was almost hidden. It was a fun find.

7 thoughts on “Gnome village”

  1. What a wonderful find and how fun to explore it all. You’ve reminded me that every summer I go to the Newport Beach area in California for a few days and I always visit a place in Corona del Mar called the Sherman Library and Gardens. It’s a beautiful place to walk and enjoy the flowers and exotic plants. This last summer I found a little secluded spot that had a gnome garden very similar to this. It was lots of fun finding all the little scenes. It obviously had been there a very long time but it was so well hidden I had never seen it before.

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