Kay’s Tourism 101

What makes a city interesting? In Reykjavik for me, certainly, it was the colors. And, on a grey day, the light that sliced through overcast after a day of gloom.

There’s a soothing presence of water, both as a feature of the city and by its nature as an island.

The tidy sensibility of Scandinavian design appeals.

And, for me, it’s always the pleasure of finding interesting and unusual details.

6 thoughts on “Kay’s Tourism 101”

  1. The colours certainly are lovely. It’s hard for me to tell which of these buildings are very old and which are not. In other cities the ones built from stone are old.

  2. I so agree Kay, I love seeing the architecture and architectural details in new cities. Love the reflection shot ✨

  3. Love the details, the light, the reflections and the colour of the buildings. Great shots, Kay. As Andy says, keep them coming.

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