Artistic fences

Dungeness fence 1

DH’s eagle eye strikes again. He spied these fences as we were driving in the old Dungeness region over the weekend. Pretty, aren’t they?

Dungeness fence 2

It looks as if the patterns are made from woven grasses. But, well, I didn’t get close enough to take a good look. I’d left the car idling in the middle of the street as I hopped out to take these shots. Not my favorite way to park.

8 thoughts on “Artistic fences”

  1. Any action on our part is forgiven when an image promises to be worthwhile. These fences are VERY different. . .artistic!

  2. I especially like the second photo. DH does have a good eye. i found that sharing photos daily increases one’s awareness of their surroundings. Tell DH thank you.

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