Red-winged blackbirds


The local red-winged blackbirds are adept at staying just beyond camera distance. The males, shown here, are black with a red shoulder patch edged in yellow. They’re common in marshy areas this time of year.


Females of the species are much less showy, brown and white streaked and smaller than the males.

6 thoughts on “Red-winged blackbirds”

  1. We get them here as well in the spring. They’re no doubt busy building nests at the moment. For a few weeks the males are extremely territorial and will attack you if you pass by.

  2. Bird alert! I saw these guys in Michigan all the time. Here…only occasionally. I do love that bright red patch.

  3. Many males in the animal world find that they need a great deal of color to get attention, but we females know that this characteristic isn’t necessary for a good life on earth. I love to compare the sexes of the species, and discover that the subtleness of female plumage in birds, for example, is far superior to the males showiness. I’ve posted some female cardinal photos in the past, and I defy any male to match its beauty! Humans, take note!!

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